Wednesday, June 20, 2012

30 and Wise Beyond My Years

I've recently started a new decade in my life, literally.  I'm 30 which means I'm now a grown up.  My sweet husband, sister, and mom threw me a surprise party and so many of my sweet family and friends came.  We had so much fun and partied all night.  I woke up the next day and had a hang over for the next two days.  Happy 30th!!

A lot of things are happening thus far in my 30s.  Some things happened this year while I was 29, but that was typical because the whole year of being 29 sucked.  I was the oldest 20 year old, and I was a bridesmaid in 2 weddings which I had to wear dresses that made me look like a linebacker.  Losing weight at 29 was hard because I loved wine and refused to give it up.  I also tried the whole time I was 29 to get pregnant with no success, probably because of the wine, and I was laid off from my job.  I started drinking more after that as well.  When people say they love getting older they mean every age except 29.

Now that I'm 30, my life has changed.  My mom got married, I have a larger family, and I don't care as much that I'm larger than I was in my early 20s.  I'm wise now.  I know things.  I know that although I'm unemployed, I'm still cool.  I'm poor, but I don't care.  I have so much time now to think about what I'm going to do next.  So far I've pondered being a writer, a business owner, a fitness instructor, a consultant of something, an aesthetician, and a nurse.  I've stuck to sales rep, but I know I'm not limited because I'm 30 and distinguished in my own mind.

I have realized that many things I did when I was 20 are no longe acceptable.  It's taken me 2 months but I feel I'm already growing.  I don't drink as much every night and I don't cuss as much around older people and children.  I'm not saying it's been easy, but it's been something I've really needed to do.  I've cut down on a lot of my whining, and I actually get up to get my own beverages instead of getting Anal Adam to do it.  This is a huge accomplishment, and nobody has really given me the positive reinforcement I deserve. 

I look back at a lot of the stupid shit I did when I was in my 20s, and I only want to take back the ones that literally make my stomach hurt when I think back on them.  I really did love my 20s, but it's time to move on.  I've made a promise to myself to never do things to my body or face that make me look like The Joker in the name of youth. It wasn't a very hard thing to promise myself.  I did accidentally get Botox between my eyes on an impulse buy the day of my birthday.  It was on sale!  I do a lot of impulse buying when I'm having a pity party for myself, but I'm always able to take the purchase back.  You can't take Botox back though.  It's really the doctor's fault for being so damn hot. 

These women who are holding on for dear life to look younger are really starting to lose the battle of elasticity.  I've seen woman who look more and more surprised each time I see them.  I've also seen women who I wonder what their real face used to look like.  My moms a hot bitch and she hasn't done anything.  Now because of my Botox stunt, it's probably going to wear off, and I'm going to look pissed off until it goes on sale again and I have to get it reinjected.  I guess you still make dumb choices when your in your 30s.  Maybe I'll start getting things right in my 40s.