Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Job

So I started a new job, and it's amazing which means I have no life. I'm an associate account rep which means I answer to tons of people. On the tote-um-pole (no idea??) I would be on the very very bottom. It's the most amazing job I've ever had, and I feel dumb every day. For 2 weeks I was away at training. Some people had the audacity to tell me 2 weeks wasn't that long. I should have reserved them a room beside me and asked them what they thought after the two weeks of school and studying 4 plane rides away from home was. I hate talking those One Up people. You and I know who they are, but for some reason the One Up people don't realize who they are. One Ups always have something worse or better going on in their lives, and they are not afraid to tell you. Please figure out who are and STOP!

At traingin in the North, I apparently was Mrs. Southern Belle dumb ass. There were 2 awards you got at the end of the class: Most Valuable Player (I thought I had it in the bag) and Most Improved Player (we thought that was the biggest tool of the class). After 2 weeks of training, all A's, and a big 100.5 for my final grade, I set home back to Mississippi with Most Improved Player. Really?? I think it was because I gagged at the cadaver lab and sometimes accidentally spoke before I fully thought about what I was saying. A huge attribute, in addition to my brains, I was going to bring to the table was my ability to play sports. To my astonishment everyone there was not only brilliant, they also played sports better than me. It was like the Olympics of salespeople. Lesson learned: No matter how good you feel you are at something, there is always someone better than you in everything.

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